Butte College conferred 1,195 degrees and celebrated a resilient group of graduates at its 53rd Annual Commencement Ceremony.
This commencement marked Butte College President, Dr. Samia Yaqub’s last as she retired in June. She presided over the ceremony along with the Butte-Glenn Community College District Board of Trustees. This in-person event drew thousands of attendees, including faculty, staff, administrators, family and friends. A live stream of the ceremony was made available at noujcf.com/stream for those who couldn't attend.
"Commencement is my favorite time of year—when our graduates reach an important milestone in their lives and we’re proud to play a role in their success," said Yaqub. "Our 2022 graduates have worked hard to overcome incredible challenges. I am very proud of their achievements. It’s a little bittersweet as this will be my last commencement address."
The ceremony included participation from several graduates, including a student commencement speaker, student vocalist and four students who served as marshals. Platform marshals were Associated Students president Sarah Houston, 37, of Chico who is earning an AS and AS-T in business administration, and student trustee Margarita Vazquez, 26, of Los Angeles who is earning an AA in language arts, an AS-T in nutrition and dietetics, an AS in nutrition and food science, an AA-T in psychology and AA in social and behavioral science. The two graduate marshals, Barbara Lee Grigg, 19, of Chico, and Rosalyn Marie Wilson, 19, of Maxwell, were selected for their 4.0 GPA. Faculty marshals who participated were retiring faculty members, Nena Anguiano and Jim Lauer.
Butte's 2022 student commencement speaker was Yuga Saito, 23, of Kawasaki, Japan. Saito came to Butte College in the Fall of 2019 as an international student and faced many barriers navigating a new language and culture. She overcame those barriers and earned an AA-T in economics and an AS-T in business administration. After graduating from Butte College, Saito will transfer to UCLA to study business and communication. She said that Butte College's, "Start here, go anywhere," slogan encouraged her many times and hopes that all students find themselves able to go anywhere they dream.
In her speech, Saito highlighted the challenges of continuing her education during the isolating days of the COVID-19 pandemic. "I faced dropping grades and falling into self-loathing. I didn't want to talk to anyone, and I didn't like myself. However, my parents, professors, and my international advisor, Rachel, helped me," she said. "Their messages helped me, and these became my salvation."
Commencement vocalist Jonavin Thao, 20, of Oroville, performed the national anthem. Thao attended Butte College for the last six semesters and has earned an AA-T in music. He plans to transfer to CSU, Chico to pursue a degree in music. He calls performing again after the pandemic "the most cathartic feeling."
Butte College's Class of 2022 spans a wide array of ages, ranging from 17–71. The College's youngest graduate, Katerina Bumbalova, 17, of Chico is earning an AA-T in psychology. Butte's most mature graduate is Janice Lynne Bliske, 71, of Magalia who is earning an AA-T in English and an AA-T in theater arts. Bliske will graduate along with her daughter, Molly Mix, 49, of Magalia, and her granddaughter, Ryan Mix, 22, of Magalia, marking three generations of BC graduates. All three women have earned transfer degrees and are transferring to Chico State to complete their bachelor’s degrees together.
Our graduates came to Butte College from 131 California cities and towns, 12 other U.S. states as far east as Florida, and eight foreign countries, including The Bahamas, France, India, Japan, Spain, Sweden and Vietnam.
For more information about Butte College, visit noujcf.com/commencement.
Other Graduation Ceremonies Held:
77th Fire Academy
Main Campus, Black Box Theater
Advanced Manufacturing
Main Campus, WM 140
Respiratory Therapy
Main Campus, Black Box Theater
Registered Nursing
Main Campus, Quad
Cosmetology and Barbering
Main Campus, Campus Center
API Graduation Celebration
Main Campus, Campus Center Student Lounge
Butte College Skyway Center
Latinx Graduation
Main Campus, Quad
Black Graduation
Main Campus, Campus Center Student Lounge
Main Campus, Black Box Theater
Law Enforcement
Paradise Alliance Church
Fish & Wildlife Academy
Paradise Performing Arts Center
Butte College
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965
Content editor:
Christian Gutierrez