1. Apply for VA Education Benefits
Complete at va.gov
2. Apply for Admission to Butte College
Submit your application at noujcf.com/admissions/apply.html
3. Send Official Transcripts
Request transcripts from all previous colleges (before, during, or after military service) to be sent to Butte College Admissions and Records Office. Do not send to Veterans Services.
4. Complete Orientation
Access it at http://uqdr.noujcf.com/orientation
5. Apply for Financial Aid (Optional)
Submit your FAFSA at studentaid.gov
6. Meet with our Counselor for Your Veterans Education Plan
Schedule an appointment by calling (530) 895-2566 or online using your Self-Service Login Credentials. Bring unofficial transcripts (if applicable).
7. Register for Courses
Register for courses listed in your Veterans Education Plan only. How to register videos
8. Submit Required Documents via your student email to veterans@noujcf.com: (DO NOT SEND DOCUMENTS UNTIL THE CHECKLIST IS COMPLETE) *Forms are available on our forms page.
*Forms are available on our forms page.
Concurrent Enrollment
A student attending Butte College may take courses at another school that applies to his or her degree at Butte. If a student is pursuing a degree at Butte College, it is known as the student's "primary" school. All other schools are "secondary" schools.
The VA can pay benefits for courses taken at secondary schools. Classes taken at secondary school must apply to the degree pursued at Butte College. If the student is enrolled at the primary school and the secondary school at the same time (concurrent enrollment), VA will pay for the combined credit, taking overlapping enrollment dates into account. For more information contact the Veterans Services Office.
Federal Law requires that students using the VA benefits request OFFICIAL SEALED transcripts from all the schools, colleges, training institutes, and technical schools that were attended, be sent to Butte College Admissions and Records office. This includes all education and training received before, during, and after Military Service, even if VA benefits were not paid during the course or program.
Military Training
Butte College grants elective credit for successful completion of non-collegiate instruction (military or civilian) appropriate to the Associate's Degree that has been recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).
To be considered for credit for military training, a student must complete a minimum of 12 units with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 or above at Butte College. The student must request official Joint Transcripts to be sent to Butte College Office of Veterans Services and submit a Request for Military Training Evaluation to the Office of Veterans Services.
Request military transcripts using Joint Services Transcript that has replaced the Coast Guard Institute Transcript, the Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS) and the Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART). Air Force must request transcripts through Air University.
Butte College has a 7 Days to Pay Policy. This policy states that once a student has registered for classes, the student has 7 days (including weekends) to pay their tuition in full, set up a payment plan, or apply for and be found to qualify for Financial Aid. If the student fails to do any of the previous they will be dropped from all classes.
Exemption From 7 Days Policy: Only the Post 9/11 - Chapter 33 and Vocational Rehabilitation - Chapter 31 veterans are exempt from this policy, however, they are required to turn in a Declaration of Enrollment within 3 business days after registering for classes! If none of these conditions are met the student will be dropped from all classes.
If you are determined by Admissions & Records to be an out of state student, you will be responsible for out of state fees. You may be eligible to have your out of state fees waived based on veteran status. For information about residency contact Admissions and Records Office.
Main Campus
Swing Space C
Phone : (530) 895-2566
Fax : (530) 895-2878
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
**Open at 8:30 am every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month**
Content editor:
Dan Torres