It's YOUR time!
The Butte College Classified Senate is your voice in goverance, but YOU can participate, too!!
Check out the many opportunities to get active at Butte!! And if you have have an idea for something you think the Senate can help with or want more information on any of these opportunities, click here and let us know, today!!
Join the Classified Senate!
Become a leader and have fun doing it!
Have you ever considered joining the Butte Collee Classified Senate? In addition
to annual elections, Classified Professionals interested in serving on the Senate
may be appointed to At-Large positions or vacant senate seats by the Classified Senate
If you would like to serve your fellow Classified colleagues as a Senate rep, reach out to the Classified Senate President or VP of Elections & Appointments today!

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If you would like to serve your fellow Classified colleagues as a Senate rep, reach out to the Classified Senate President or VP of Elections & Appointments today!

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Do more with your union, CSEA!
Help protect your wages, hours, and working conditions!
The California Schools Employees Association (CSEA) offers Classified Professionals
many opportunities to get involved through professional development, leadership, organizing,
networking, social events, and activism.
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Get active with Caring Campus!!
Learn and model the "High-five Caring Behaviors" to support student success!!
Caring Campus is a proven, evidence-based method of improving student success
by building personal connections between students and the campus.
Caring Campus members teach, promote, and model the "High-5" Behavioral Commitments which build these connections:
Caring Campus members teach, promote, and model the "High-5" Behavioral Commitments which build these connections:
- Identification (Nametags/Shirts)
- Eye Contact (The 10-Foot Rule)
- Inter-Departmental Awareness
- Warm Hand-offs
- Warm Welcomes (Ask Me, Week 1, & Beyond!)
Committee Opportunities
Serve on a committee and help guide the future of Butte College!
Classified representation is not only welcomed but necessary on many of the college's
operational committees. Interested in serving on a committee? Just reach out to our
current VP of Elections & Appointments to volunteer, get more information, or get
put on a waiting list to join!!
Butte College Classified Senate sub-committees:
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Butte College Classified Senate sub-committees:
- Classified Professionals Day Planning Committee
- Coffee/Scantron Giveaway Planning Committee
- Friendsgiving Planning Committee
- Butte Strong Remembrance Planning Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- Scholarship Committee
- Hearts & Flowers Committee
- Classified Emeritus Committee
- Constitution & Bylaws Committee
- Elections & Appointments Committee
- Classified Professional Development Fund Committee
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Professional Development
Professional training to improve you life, your work, and your work/life balance!
One of the major benefits of working at an educational institution is the opportunity
to participate in professional development.
The Butte College Classified Senate encourages all Classified Professionals to take part in professional development to not only improve their still at work, but also in life!
Here are a few ways you can particpate in professional development:
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The Butte College Classified Senate encourages all Classified Professionals to take part in professional development to not only improve their still at work, but also in life!
Here are a few ways you can particpate in professional development:
- Classified Leadership Institute (CLI)
- Butte College Professional Development
- FLEX Days
- Classified Professionals Week
- Keenan SafeColleges
- Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
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Become an Equal Employment Opportunity Rep (EEO)!
Ensure the hiring process is fair to all, become an EEO!!
An Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) representative is required on every hiring
committee at Butte College. Their job is to ensure the hiring process is fair and
unbiased for all candidates. In addition, prior EEO training may be required for any
employees to serve on a hiring committee.
In order to ensure Classified involvement and participation in the hiring process, the Senate strongly encourages every Classified Professional to attend EEO training and keep up to date every 2 years!
The knowledge and skills gained in these trainings can be a huge benefit to all Classified Professionals' personal & professional growth. Even if you don't plan to be an EEO or serve on a hiring committee, the training received can give employees a broader sense of equity, it's importance to higher education, and improve the quality of work we do every day. In addition, serving as an EEO or hiring committee member lends insight into the hiring process which can be a valuable benefit when applying or interviewing for new positions!
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In order to ensure Classified involvement and participation in the hiring process, the Senate strongly encourages every Classified Professional to attend EEO training and keep up to date every 2 years!
The knowledge and skills gained in these trainings can be a huge benefit to all Classified Professionals' personal & professional growth. Even if you don't plan to be an EEO or serve on a hiring committee, the training received can give employees a broader sense of equity, it's importance to higher education, and improve the quality of work we do every day. In addition, serving as an EEO or hiring committee member lends insight into the hiring process which can be a valuable benefit when applying or interviewing for new positions!
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Explore the campus community
Find your place at Butte College!
Butte College has a vast and active campus community with numerous departments,
groups, centers, public forums, and more!
Where to find out about upcoming events:
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Where to find out about upcoming events:
- District Announcements
- Roadrunner Hub
- Veterans Resource Center (VRC)
- Queer Resource Center (QRC
- BLAC Center
- Native Center
- Undocucenter
- Culture & Cummunity Center (CCC)
- International Program
- Career Center
- Create Space
- Library
- Asian and Pacific Islander Council (APIC)
- Friends of the Refuge
- College Council
- Academic Senate
- Board of Trustees
- Planning & Budget Forums
- Institute Day
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