Get quick, 10-minute counseling sessions with our Express Counseling service, available on a first-come, first-served basis. Sessions are open to current, new, and returning students (who have submitted applications at least 24 hours in advance)
Tuesdays and Wednesdays: |
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM |
STEP 1 - To learn more about what can and cannot be addressed during Express Drop-In sessions, please visit our How to Select Your Appointment! Guide.
STEP 2 - Log In: Use your Butte College student email and password to log in here during available hours. The link will only be active during session times.
STEP 3 - Select "Drop-In Waiting Room"
STEP 4 – Select "Express Drop-In"
STEP 5 - Update Info: Ensure your cell phone number is correct.
STEP 6 - Meeting Type: Select either "Video Appointment" or "Telephone Appointment" and click "Continue" (Note: During long wait times we encourage phone appointments if possible. A student who does not enter their Video Appointment within the first minute will be returned to the waiting line).
STEP 7 - Remain on the page until your session starts. Do not refresh or leave the page.
Note: For phone sessions, expect a call from a blocked number. Ensure you can receive blocked calls.
If you can't attend the drop-in hours, schedule a counseling appointment or call us at (530) 895-2378.
Non-Discrimination Statement: Butte-Glenn Community College District does not permit discrimination or harassment in its programs or activities as stated in our Non-Discrimination Statement available at
Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am - 5 pm
Friday: 8 am - 12 pm
Office Location:
Main Campus - Student Administrative Services, Room 134 (SAS 134)
Office Number: (530) 895-2378
Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 8 am - 11:30 am
Para servicio en Español, haga su cita con Julio Delgado, Melissa Melendrez y Melina Torres.
For services in Khmer please request an appointment with Serey Vann.
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